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This section is more like a blog where I talk about various specific subjects about compresesed air and air compressors.

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Water in Compressed Air Calculations

Water in Compressed Air Calculations To continue on the topic of ‘water in your compressed air’ (the other two articles are here and here), let’s examine how we can calculate the amount of

Air Dryers (and hidden costs of drying air)

Last article talked about water in your compressed air – a problem many of us will face in their compressed air system. So, what is the best way to avoid water in your compressed air? What

Water in your compressed air system

Most of you guys reading this have experienced it at one point: water in your compressed air system. In fact, it’s one of the most common problems with compressed air systems. Back when I

Your Dumb Air Compressor

In my last article, I quickly mentioned some of the energy wastes in compressed air systems. One of those was "inefficient compressed air production"? What do I mean by that? It

The Cost of Compressed Air

In my last article I talked about the cost of compressed air. And that you must ask yourself: do I REALLY need to use compressed air for my application?

Using Compressed Air? Think again!

I know this might sound strange from a guy who's all about compressed air... ... but did you ever wonder WHY and IF you really need to use compressed air? It might have been a very bad

Back from holidays

Hi guys, Just a quick update. I just got back from a week long holiday in Hong Kong. Which was really awesome by the way. Very, very busy and I even spotted some big air compressors :) (but

Air Compressor Training Courses

Hi, I'm working on creating several training courses about air compressors and compressed air. The just finished Air Compressor Troubleshooting Guide is very popular and besides making some

Help me get an air compressor!

As amazing as this might sound to you.. I don't have an air compressor! Yes, 'Mr. Compressor', who helps so many people with their compressor problems and questions everyday doesn't even own

Hard copy pre-sale open!

I've been very busy the last few weeks with the hard copy version of my Air Compressor Troubleshooting Guide. Here's a little update. Of course, I tried to make it the best possible, high

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