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Tmc compressor 27-8 EANA | Air Compressor Guide
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Tmc compressor 27-8 EANA

  • Question Title: Tmc compressor 27-8 EANA
  • Asked by: Shivashankar
  • Asked On:
  • Answers: 2

During loading of the compressor unusual sound occurs.. We have changed oil separator,  cleaned oil cooler and oil... Still problem exist. 

Answers & Replies



Where is the sound coming from?

Unusual sounds during unload often indicate a problem in the screw element - the bearings need replacing.

During load running, any play is 'pushed out' of the bearings, during unload, there is less force on the bearings, and they start making noise.

How many running hours does this machine have? Typical lifetime of a screw element is 40.000 running hours - after that it needs to be overhauled.

If you are anywhere near this amount of running hours, overhaul the element asap before the element gets damaged.

All the best,



Good day.

We have the same problem ( noise) with compressor during load.

What can it be ???.

Compressor running hours over 100 000 hr.

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