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recommended compressor setup for 20 bar compressed air for laser cutter machine | Air Compressor Guide
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recommended compressor setup for 20 bar compressed air for laser cutter machine

  • Question Title: recommended compressor setup for 20 bar compressed air for laser cutter machine
  • Asked by: Guest
  • Asked On:
  • Answers: 1

                        I found your website while i was trying to learn about air compressors. You have an amazing knowledge of the topic, i`m quite surprised when i saw a person had a web site about air compressors. 

I`m having an issue with picking up an setup for my workshop.

I`ll use an laser cutting machine and it needs 20 bar air compression with certain ISO quality.

Compressed air quality according to ISO 8573-1:2010

  • Max. solid particles Class 1

  • Max. pressure dew point vapor Class 4

  • Max. total amount of oil Class 1

The machine needs 20 bar but the amount of air need is pretty low. 160 l/min flow is needed.

My question is, Is it possible to get a 13 bar screw compressor with air booster to get 20 bar.

what would be the pros and cons?

If you can give your recommendations, it would be great.

Thank You.

Answers & Replies

Hi Said,

For your application, I think a piston compressor would be a better choice.

Do you intent to use the laser cutting machine all day long? Or just sometimes, or 50% of the time?

Rotary screw compressors really don't like standing still, and it sound like it will be overkill.

Check out the Atlas Copco LT compressor range:

160 l/min is about 9.2 m3/hr

LT5 would probably be a good fit for you.

Those are very reliable, industry-grade machines. They can run 24/7 if needed.

To reach your ISO class, you can install compressed air dyer (to remove moisture) and filters (to remove dust particles and oil).

For the air dryer, you could opt for a simple membrane air dryer (no maintenance):

Or, a very small refrigerated air dryer.

Good luck! And don't hesitate to mail me back if you have further questions!


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