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PET High Pressure Compresses Air Pipe | Air Compressor Guide
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PET High Pressure Compresses Air Pipe

  • Question Title: PET High Pressure Compresses Air Pipe
  • Asked by: Guest
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  • Answers: 2

How DO I size high pressure compressed air pipe of 40 bars used for blow molding ?

Answers & Replies


Hi Mohammed,

The size tables are based on 7 bar compressed air. If you want to use them for 40 bar, do the following.

40 / 7 = 5.7

Say you have an air flow of 100 Nl/min (normal liter per minute). Devide 100 by 5.7 = 17.5

Use this value to look up the size in the tables. So look in the tables at 17.5 Nl/min.

The table uses Normal liter per minute. That is compressed air calculated back to inlet conditions. In other words, it is what the compressor sucks in. Or it is the volume of compressed air when expanded again.

Since you compressor to 40 bar, the actual air flow will be a factor 5.7 less, compared to a 7 bar system.

Hope this helps and good luck.



Thank you for your reply.

Please can you explain the logic or formulas used to come up with your answer.


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