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Xas 185 jd7 shuts down | Air Compressor Guide
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Xas 185 jd7 shuts down

  • Question Title: Xas 185 jd7 shuts down
  • Asked by: Ron Hamm
  • Asked On:
  • Answers: 1

Xas 185 jd7 starts - runs - builds air - idles down - and after a couple minutes shuts down

Answers & Replies


Sounds like everything works perfectly, except for the shutting down part.

It could be a safety switch that opens and shuts down the machine - maybe the compressor is overheating (screw element outlet temperature)? Although most of the time, that only happens when running loaded.

Any indication? Alarm light, etc?

It could also be a loose electrical connection. Does it shut down always, and around the same time? Or does the problem come and go and happen at different times?

Hope this helps :) Ask more if needed :)

Thanks, Cas

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