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GA 200 Atlas Copco air compressor | Air Compressor Guide
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GA 200 Atlas Copco air compressor

  • Question Title: GA 200 Atlas Copco air compressor
  • Asked by: Guest
  • Asked On:
  • Answers: 3

The element temperature goes too high. Normally it is 85 to 90 but now some days it goes to 102 degrees Celsius. And sometimes it reaches 120 degrees and shuts down.

We already cleaned the oil cooler and also check its thermostatic vale and oil stop valve. We also changed oil filter by new one, but the problem still there.

Answers & Replies



It looks like you already did almost everything.. most of the time it is a dirty oil cooler or a broken thermostatic valve.

How high is the temperature in the air compressor room? Is it higher then before?

Are you sure the thermostatic valve is OK? Is it installed the right way (not upside down)? Did you install the spring on the right side (check parts list drawing)?

You can test the thermostatic valve by putting it in a bowl of hot water. You should see the pin move out.

Did you check all the hoses? Loosen them on the separator vessel side and try to blow compressed air through them (or by mouth)... are they all open? Do you hear bubbly noises coming from the compressor element?

If the compressor has been running at high temperatures for a long time, and especially with old oil, there is a chance that the oil will form a thin layer of dark red/brown-colored burned oil on the inside of the oil cooler (and all other parts that come in contact with the oil).

When this happens, the cooling capacity of the cooler will be dramatically reduced and the compressor will overheat.

This doesn't happen very often, I have seen it only a few times. It's hard to say from here what the problem is.

You could try to remove the oil hoses and look inside the cooler with a flashlight. If you have the above problem, you need to replace the cooler or chemically clean it.

Good luck. If you fix the problem, please let me know, I'm curious to know what was the problem.


hola buenas, consulta queria saber sobre el compresor ga200w  estoy verificando en backlash entre piñones y el resultado es 0.011" queria saber cuanto es el juego maximo y minimo. 


hello good, query I wanted to know about the ga200w compressor I am checking in backlash between pinions and the result is 0.011 ″ I wanted to know how much is the maximum and minimum game.

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