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XAS85 oil type and quantity | Air Compressor Guide
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XAS85 oil type and quantity

  • Question Title: XAS85 oil type and quantity
  • Asked by: Dave Evans
  • Asked On:
  • Answers: 1

Currently fixing up and XAS85 compressor.
I have the parts manual but an unable to find what types of oil it takes or how much.
I'm also unsure of how to correctly check the level in the compressor itself.

Answers & Replies


Hi Dave,

The compressor takes the the standard compressor oil from Atlas Copco (called "Paroil M"). BUt you can also use alternative compressor oils, such as Mobil Rarus SHC or hell Corena S3 R.

There should be an oil level indicator on the small air receiver. When the compressor is stopped (wait a few minutes) the needle must be in the green zone.

If there's no level indicator - it oil must generally be filled up till it reaches the fill opening.

Good luck!



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