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Low-Air end temperature | Air Compressor Guide
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Low-Air end temperature

  • Question Title: Low-Air end temperature
  • Asked by: Jin
  • Asked On:
  • Answers: 1

My HP60 screw compressor has been running with an air-end temperature of 58-60 degrees celsius. Will there be any potential problems or condensation? We're operating the compressor in a tropical climate FYI. Thank you!

Answers & Replies


It's just a bit on the low side, especially if you use the compressor in high-humidity conditions.

Around 80 degrees would be ideal.

Why is it running so cold? Is it not used much? How long does it run loaded when it is running?

If you don't use it that much it's a good idea to run the compressor full load for 10 -15 minutes once a week. This will prevent a lot of problems. Just install an air muffler/silencer to an air outlet and blow-off compressed air.

If it does run loaded quite a bit, but still doesn't heat up - maybe the thermostatic valve is stuck open?

All the best,


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