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Kaeser c sdx 137 is going over temp off load and cooling down on load? | Air Compressor Guide
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Kaeser c sdx 137 is going over temp off load and cooling down on load?

  • Question Title: Kaeser c sdx 137 is going over temp off load and cooling down on load?
  • Asked by: Scooter
  • Asked On:
  • Answers: 1

Hi what is going wrong with my machine we have changed the thermostat put more oil in the machine, replaced the intake filter and cleaned oil cooler but is still going over temperature on idle. Whatelse could it be??
cheers Scooter 

Answers & Replies



Sounds like there's not enough lubrication / oil flow during unloading.

Even when unloading, the compressor takes in a little bit of air. This air blown-off again through the blow-off valve. The internal pressure stabilizes somewhere around 2.5 - 3 bar.

This air/pressure is needed to keep the oil circulating during unload.

There's a tiny hole in the inlet valve or there's a bypass line, that allows this intake of air during unload.

Please check that.

Hope this helps :)

All the best,


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