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Atlas Copco ZR250 oil & air leaking through breather | Air Compressor Guide
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Atlas Copco ZR250 oil & air leaking through breather

  • Question Title: Atlas Copco ZR250 oil & air leaking through breather
  • Asked by: Venkatesh
  • Asked On:
  • Answers: 2

         The compressor is leaking air and oil while loading, so it's a loss for us, I tried cleaning the cooler and then cleaned thoroughly the internal passage with return line. After cleaning filled the treated water in the system , while starting the compressor visually there was no leakage, loading and unloading is good, but still the air and oil is leaking through breather. And how to set the adjusting screw in throttle unit. Please let me know the details. Thank you. 

Answers & Replies



Oil in this compressor is only used for lubrication of the gearbox and screw element bearings.

If air and oil is leaking from breather, than it means a seal is broken/leaking between the screw element and the oil system.

It means the screw element needs to be dissembled and overhauled. It could be the high pressure or the low pressure element - hard to say!

It is not good new for you - but I hope this was helpful.

All the best,



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