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Piston compressor starts up then trips | Air Compressor Guide
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Piston compressor starts up then trips

  • Question Title: Piston compressor starts up then trips
  • Asked by: Guest
  • Asked On:
  • Answers: 1

                        Here in estyrenics plant we have an air compressor (diesel). When it starts up, it works for 5 seconds then trips and giving pressure fault. It trips when it actually start to compress. The solenoid valve on the second stage opens when I start up and when it compresses the solenoid closes then opens again when the compressor trips. I don't know if it's normal or no, or what is the problem?                    

Answers & Replies


It looks like this compressor monitors the outlet pressure, and when the pressure doesn't increase when the compressor starts, it gives an error (because something must be wrong).

So please check if there is any pressure built up during those 5 seconds?

What can also happen is that the pressure sensor is broken, that's why the compressor gives this error, because it thinks that there's no pressure.

The fact that the solenoid opens, then closes and the opens is normal I think.

At first, it's open because the compressor is starting up (blowing off any pressure, to make for an easy start).

After that it closes, so the compressor starts to built pressure

But there's an error, so the compressor stops again and the pressure is blown off (solenoid open).

So please check what I said in the beginning: is it building pressure? And check the pressure sensor.

Good luck! And please let me know the outcome!


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